Sit back with a cuppa and see what’s planned for 2020!

Camp Dates for 2020

Camp emails are in the pipeline – further details and official opening of booking for the two main camps for 2020 will be sent out over the next couple of weeks, but as an early heads up, we are running both Boomerang and MK again this year.  Boomerang will be 19th to 21st June and MK will be 21st to 23rd August.

Upcoming Shows  

The schedule for the new SJ date of Feb 29th (replacement for the cancelled November date) is now online in the Events section of the website – this will be a perfect opportunity to practice for the SJ team event which is at BCA the following weekend! The 2020 Dressage Series starts next month and schedules for all three shows will be online this coming week (w/c 6th January).

Upcoming Team Events

The next two team events coming up are the Area Combined Training (Prelim/75cm and Novice/85cm) 9th Feb and then Winter SJ teams from 70cm to 1m 8th March – emails have been sent to all members! Make sure you renew your membership in plenty of time – you must be on our BRC list at least 21 days before the qualifier to compete! And remember that in March BRC will require 6 monthly vaccination boosters…. any queries, please  check with your team manager!

BRC Vaccination Changes 

BRC have followed the lead of BD and BE and from March, six monthly flu boosters will be required.  Many clubs and individual members have expressed concerns and doubts about the requirement for this but at the moment, Head Office are standing firm. So please ensure that if you intend to compete on any teams this year you keep on top of 6 monthly vaccinations and contact the team manager with any queries.

Membership Renewals

An email has been sent to all 2019 members with the renewal form for 2020 attached, or it can be downloaded from the website. We have unfortunately seen a 20% increase in affiliation fees to BRC this year hence passing on part of this price increase but we have so much in the pipeline for members I hope you’ll still see it as good value for money! In time, renewals will migrate to the new online system but for the time being please return the form as normal and pay via BACS. Please ensure you rejoin in plenty of time if you want to compete on teams or use your members discount to enter our upcoming shows!

AGM, Committee and Online System Updates

The club AGM is in the process of being booked in for March, so if anyone is keen to join the committee or find out more about what it involves, drop Emma a line!

Charity Donation

You may have seen on Facebook, but the club managed to make a small profit over the last year so we made a £500 donation to PFK (Prince Fluffy Kareem) who are a very worthwhile charity working to improve the quality of life of horses and donkeys in Egypt.

Online Booking System – it is on its way! 

In addition to spending our time organising events, teams, camps, clinics and shows, the committee are also working hard on a new online system to streamline membership renewals and clinic and team bookings.  Currently, the admin involved in manually checking all the payments via online banking means that the committee members end up spending a huge amount of time on each clinic, so we are hoping that the move to an online booking system will make this easier – giving them more time to organise yet more fun events for you all!  We will update you all about that once we get the system up and running.

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