Exciting news everyone! We are BACK with our online dressage series.  Event 2 will now happen over the weekend of the 6th and 7th June.  Entries are open at:

We are just about to confirm judges now that BD have officially confirmed they are allowed to judge again, but will be using BRC tests this time as BD now ask organisers to be affiliated to them before using their tests for online competitions.  The lovely Alexandra Hopkins has also written us our own Walk Trot test which which is available here TVRC Walk & Trot Test A (2020) and also on our website.  BRC tests are all available on their website – link in the competition entries page.
Detailed instuctions will be sent out to all entrants but we will follow the same format as last time.
Entries online ONLY, closing date 5th June, tests to be submitted before 10pm on 7th June and judging during the following week with sheets and rosettes posted out as soon as we can.

Any queries drop me a  message!


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